Beauty Talk with Kitty

This is a tad off-topic but I know I have been neglecting you recently and for that I am sincerely apologetic. If I could offer an excuse this one is the best: I have been busy during the last year reproducing! My husband and I welcomed a baby girl into our little family during the new year.

Over the past years (oh that makes me sound so 'mature'!) as a makeup artist, I have been consistently asked what cosmetic products people should use and what would work wonders for their individual needs. I tailor my answer for every person who approaches me on this subject. Everyone has their own set of concerns, issues, purposes and needs when it comes to beauty. I have even been commissioned to update cosmetic 'wardrobes' for clients. People sometimes feel as though they are intruding when they ask my opinion but the truth is, I really love advising people and helping them with their skincare and beauty concerns.

Every brand has their 'Star Product'. A Star Product is the item they sell the most of and for which the brand is widely known for producing. Once the brand has established a 'cult' reputation for this Star Product they usually create a range around this particular product, so it can follow on selling through reputation. It makes supply/demand sense.

Now, just because the brand has a great product it does not mean that all their other products are just as wonderful. Sometimes it is disappointing to discover this because we like to be loyal to a company once we start using their 'star product'. Whilst some companies do have a handful of 'star products', I like to pick my favourite items for different uses from a wide variety of brands worldwide.

Finding the right products can be really confusing, not to mention really expensive, and with all this is mind, I thought it would be a good idea to post updates about products I enjoy using and recommend.


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