Lights, camera, action

Last week, I audtitioned for a part in a theatre company and got in. Bombshells like the limelight, even us shy kittens.

When we shine brightly we can be blinding, but when we flickers to a dim glow, well... you'd probably prefer not to know about it.

We are used to people paying attention to us. It's our part in life to be admired. It is a reason very few people see us "sans make-up"!

It's a famous bombshell tradition to always receive a bouquet of flowers after the first and last show in a season. I look forward to it so much! Bombshells, if nobody is giving/sending you bouquets, send them to yourself. You deserve it.

Courtsey, take the compliments and sign your autograph with finesse!


  1. Congrats kitty on the part... wish i could come and see you be a star and give you flowers!!!

  2. Harlow I miss you. You are a doll. kisses xx


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