Life Style

The name Hong Kong means 'Beautiful Smelling Port'.  It doesn't always smell beautiful but it is very interesting and I'm always sure to take a little camera with me as I never know when I'll fall upon a Kodak moment. 

Travelling as much as I do, I need to look after myself by spending time alone, resting in my hotel bed with a lot of iced-water. I have a great appreciation for luxurious hotel linens and fluffy feather-pillows.

Travel and hairspray dries my hair.  When I'm in Singapore, I go and see my hairdresser and dear friend Junior Ho at the Salon Spa at Orchard City. He always makes my hair smell and feel amazing.

Maintaining a steady diet is a disaster when moving around so often.  I choose to eat a lot of seasonal fresh fruit wherever I am.  I like to try different exotic fruits but I always look for watermelon.  It's delicious, health-giving properties are also very re-hydrating.


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