
When we travel, most people like to buy little momentos of their adventures. Some people even like to keep a collection of souveneirs. It might be little spoons with the name of the towns etched into the handles, tshirts with the town's name on it, tea towels, adorable little snow globes or fridge magnets.
Since I was teen aged, I've been collecting lingerie sets. Everywhere I travel, I return with a new set! A wonderful reminder of my time away. I have a Dior set from Agent Provocateur in Broadwick Street in London, a La Perla set from my visit to New Zealand, a diamante thong Patricia Field (famous stylist) herself sold to me in her shop in New York city and even a grass hand-weaved bra from the remote islands in the south pacific. Each item in my prized collection is individualy boxed and cared for in the finest possible way.
Bombshells love their undergarments and know that to keep them in pristine condition, they should be hand-washed in mild detergent specifically designed for scanties. You won't find a Bombshell wearing ugly nanna knickers with holes in them. Make sure you keep your underwear in fine condition and hopefully they mean as much to you as mine do to me.
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