Destination Vacation #3 - LONDON

Pussy cat, pussy cat where have you been? Have you been to London to visit the Queen??
Ah London... This is a city very familiar to me. If you are to visit, you really should think of staying at the Dorchester Hotel situated in Park Lane, London W1K 1QA.
It's situated in Mayfair which is good when it comes to this magnificent city! I've certainly had a fabulous time at this particular hotel.
Lord Halifax and Fuff Cooper stayed at the Dorchester during World War II. During this time The Dorchester was regarded as the safest hotel in London. There is an Eisenhower Suite on the first floor named after General Dwight D Eisenhower who stayed there in 2 rooms 1942. Winston Churchill had a wall erected on his balcony for privacy and it is still on the balcony!
Harold Nicholson, T.S. Eliot and Edith Sitwell dined there (so did I). Vivienne Leigh, Lawrence Olivier, Brigitte Bardot, Danny Kaye, Alfred Hitchcock, Duke Ellington, Noel Coward and Marlene Dietrich (loved the Oliver Messel Suite), Judy Garland made this hotel her base, the Beatles, Charlton Heston (a fan of the Italian marble baths), Julie Andrews and many more celebrities enjoy the elegance and comfort of this hotel.
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