
Showing posts from 2019

Girl needs her sugar

Recently I tried to eliminate sugar from my diet in an experimental attempt to lower my blood sugar. This is what I learned. To go sugar free, you need to be really tough and dedicated. Did you know there is a huge sub-culture of sugarless food people all sticking to a diet called Keto? These are people wanting to put their body into a state of ketosis. I think of ketosis, I think of bad breath. Something to be mindful of, halitosis is never glamorous (try and think of that whilst watching the Oscars. Those beauties barely ever eat sugar). Sugar is added to practically everything that is stocked at a supermarket. Since when did sugar become such a villain to society? How can something so beautiful, so delicious be so bad for us? How can you go on a sugar free diet if you are a foodie?  I bought myself a couple of sugar free cookbooks. I will let you know how I go. Maybe even take photos of what I make. I like to live in hope that sugar free foods can be delicious. I m...

My rescue

Can you believe I finally did it? Every time I take my daughter to dancing, and she does a LOT of dancing, I have to drive past the 'cat orphanage' and I always feel a longing to go in and adopt all those little unwanted fluff balls. Every single time. I was even brave enough once to venture into the 'orphanage' just so I could see the little babies with no home. I didn't leave happily. Never do. A few weeks ago, I went in again. Not a wise move. A huge litter of unwanted tabby babies had just arrived. I adopted one, much to my husbands annoyance.  He does seem to be coming around though and I would even go as far to say he likes the little fluffer. I mean, who wouldn't love this little fella? Monsieur Remegius McGonagle Coutts (aka Silky Boy) PS:  he is now 4 months and weighs 3.1kgs.