Just For The Ride

We just adore our push-bikes! Bicycle riding is fun, useful, environmentally friendly, cost-saving, a darling form of exercise, easy to park and we just look so adorable on them! They are social, you can always go for a leisurely ride with your beau. A Bombshell can learn to ride from an early age, as our dear little Shirley Temple demonstrates. This is my favourite bicycle at the moment. It's the Hollander-W in pink and it's also available in black or white, only for a limited time. So hurry and order one soon!! Find your new bicycle here: http://www.made.com/leisure/bikes And if we don't want to use our bountiful energy today, we can slide onto our trusty Vespa. Just remember to wrap that all-important scarf around your hair and wear your stylish sunglasses! Whee!!! Although Bombshells love to be independant, many Bombshells prefer to be chauffer-driven on their bicyles. This Bombshell...